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Eragon (the movie)
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August 9, 2007, 3:00pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 1,231
Plot Summary: Eragon is "the chosen one" of prophecy to bring back the age of Dragon Riders.  So of course all the bad people want him dead, and all the good people would die to protect him.  As per usual, the hero doesn't want to be a hero, until enough stuff happens that he believes he's invincible and acts like a hero.  Then someone close to him dies and he smartens up.  Except in this movie, he doesn't smarten up.  He just really does become invincible (essentially).

I don't end up caring for a single character in this movie, since they're all so two dimensional and predictable.  

But my biggest beef with the flick is the complete lack of disregard for common sense.  Allow me to illustrate:
Eragon catchs hideous Orc-like creatures torturing his location out of some non-descript person in the village.  It's night time, so Eragon hides and overhears the person betray the location of Eragon's uncle's farm to the orcs.
Eragon escapes unseen and starts to run for "the other side of the village" where his farm is but gets swooped up by his dragon.  The dragon carries him to the farm.
It's now DAYLIGHT!  Just how big is this village??
The Orcs have already gotten there and killed dear uncle.  Just how fast are these orcs???  Obviously faster than a dragon can fly!
So now, just like when Luke Skywalker's uncle and aunt were killed, there's no reason to stick around.  So Eragon flees with his dragon.  Orcs however can't seem to outrun them now... so uh, guess they used up all their speed crossing the village.

Anyhow, there are lots of things to complain about, but I'll stop and just give it a thumbs down.  It's poorly put together, and worse, I could hear my highschool english teachers raving "Look!  It's a literary device!  See how nature reflects the character's emotion!"

Oh yeah, that particular moment was just after Eragon discovered his uncle dead.  So now it goes from bright sunny day to dreary downpour.  WTF is with the weather in this world?  

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August 10, 2007, 1:13am Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 593
Heh heh.. it IS a kid's story of course, and I think it was even written by a kid.

But I have to agree, it wasn't overly well done.  And the way the movie ended was lame.. I understand "to be continued", but it just kinda ended leaving me feel like there should have been more (and yet glad there wasn't)...

(By the way, the wiggling Aqauman a** is just kinda creepy).
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