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December 13, 2007, 6:09pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 389
It's liquid Satan..before you take a sip of your next diet soda containing aspartame (aka Nutra Sweet or Equal) consider this:
1) Aspartame contains methyl alcohol which breaks down in your body to become formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is toxic and carcinogenic(1). Its used as a perservative and disinfectant-you don't fucking drinking it. Formaldehyde is considered a deadly neurotoxin(2).
2) Aspartame in combination with carbs causes your brain to slow down your production of serotonin so there goes the happy mood you were in(3).
3) Aspartame contains phenylalanine which occurs naturally in the brain but high levels increase chances of seizure, depression, and schizophrenia(4).
4) Aspartame has been blamed for a sleu of maladies including: alzheimers, lupus, MS, arthritis, birth defects, and fibromyalgia(5)
4) FDA receives the most complaints about aspartame and rejected it approval 8 times before issuing it to G.D. Searle, the founder of aspartame in the 1973. At the time reports by neuroscientist Dr. John Olney and research Ann Reynolds (Seale's own scientist) concluded aspartame was dangerous. In addition the FDA's head of metabolic and metabolic products, Dr. Martha Freeman stated that the research into aspartame was incomplete, product safety not established, and should not be approved. In 1974, FDA ignored her findings and approved apartame for dry good use. Curious? By 1975, the FDA had to establish a special task force lead by Philip Brodsky who reported he "had never seen anything as bad as Searle's testing" and called test results "manipulated". Comsumer advocates groups pushed the issue, the FDA, and Searle to the US atorney's office grand jury in 1977. Searle was charged with knowingly misrepresenting findings, concealing material facts, and making false statements on aspartame safety. Shortly after, the US Attorney leading the investigation was offered a job by the law firm representing Searle. Later that year he resigned and took that job. This delayed the grand jury investigation and caused the statue of limitations on the charges to run out, and the investigation was dropped. Stunning.  A 1980 Public Board of Inquiry (set up by the FDA) found that aspartame should not be consumed but this ruling was overturned when FDA Commisssioner Arthur Hull Hayes who was hired in 1981 and he overruled the scientific panels decision and allowed aspartame in dry goods (1981) and drinks(1983).  Hayes, on charges of taking bribes from companies seeking FDA approval, was dismissed in 1983 and took up work in Searle's public relation firm that same year. Interesting. The FDA went to Congress to get Searle prosecuted for giving the government false or incomplete test results on aspartame. The two government attorneys assigned to the case decided not to prosecute and shortly after went on both to work for the law firm representing Searle. Fascinating. Despite 92 different symptoms that result from ingesting aspartame, the FDA approved it for use, without restriction in 1996.(6) Brilliant. [in case you are wondering some of the symptoms include memory, nerve cell damage, migraines, reproductive disorders, brain lesions, blindness, joint pain, alzheimer's, weight gain, hair loss, food craivings, nervous system disorders]

Although Aspartame makes people fat, sick and unhappy, it is now a 1 billion dollar industry in the US (complete with its own aspartame victim support group and class action lawsuits).

1 & 4 Gold, Mark "Formaldehyde Poisoning from  Aspartame" and "The Bitter Truth About Articial Sweetners" truthcampaign.ukf.net
3 Steinman, David, Diet for A Poisoned Planet, Harmony 1990, pg 191
2 & 5 Robert & Shelly Young, The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health, Warner 2002, pg 89-90
6 Murray, Rich "How Aspartame Became Legal-The Timeline" Dec. 24,2002
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December 14, 2007, 7:06pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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What else is new... I know for me the last time I had a diet coke was at joe's superbowl party 3 or 4 years back... next day BANG a terrible migrane.

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January 29, 2008, 5:15am Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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Satan's little evil cousin:  Parabens

I recently bought some new shampoo & conditioner that was labelled "organic"..my hair has never looked better - love the stuff. The first dozen components listed  are all plant derived but then I noticed four little words write at the end: methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl parabens...why did they separate this compound out? ...parabens sounds familiar where have I heard that before. It took me less than 10 sec on a google search to find out that parabens are a highly estrogenic compound that is used as a preservative in many cosmetics, moisturizers, and other  bath products. Parabens are absorbed 10 times more by the skin then if you were to ingest it orally, and unfortunately have the reputation for mimicing your own hormones and disrupting your endocrine system (ovaries, thyroid, hypothalamus, etc). On a lesser impact level, this can lead to weight gain, fluid retention, and depression. In 2004, researchers in the United Kingdom detected parabens in 18 of 20 breast cancer tumors they studied, suggesting a link between parabens and breast cancer. Another UK studied linked parabens to skin cell mutations and cancers.

Looking at some of the articles, endocrine disruptors are transported into the body, daily, via absorption through the skin and hair follicles when using personal care products. Now that we know that we absorb toxins through our skin, isn´t it important that body care products that claim to be organic should be as pure as the organic foods that we eat?

The EPA also stated that "continual introduction of these benzoates (parabens) into sewage treatment systems and directly to recreational waters from the skin leads to the question of risk to aquatic organisms." Scientists in Europe found other endocrine-disrupting body care chemicals in the bodies of fish that humans are eating, and in human breast milk. I believe, the FDA banned parabens from food products due to possible toxic effects but why allow it still in personal care products? And why can't the US and Canada get their "organic" labels to meet EU standards..
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February 4, 2008, 3:18pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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We use an olive oil based hypoallergenic shampoo, which has like two ingredients.. I'd have to check it to make sure it doesn't have that crap in it.  

These are but two examples of "Better living through chemistry"  I wonder if we're not slowly killing ourselves?

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February 4, 2008, 3:55pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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Back to Liquid Satan again, I just read an article about a women who basically almost killed herself by chewing too much gum with aspartame in it...

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February 7, 2008, 3:47pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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But, one shouldn't be chewing that much gum in the first place so really she's to blame... Could you imagine how annoying it would be if you were trying to work in the cubical next to her... chomp chomp chomp... I know Diddly would go insane, especially if she chewed with her mouth open...

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March 3, 2008, 4:09pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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Why aren't men, really men anymore? One cause, acknowledged in Europe for over 20yrs and banned, is phthalates. Phthalates are known to be anti androgen/endocrine disruptor and affect the liver, kidney, lungs, and reproductive systems in males and females.

Recent work done in North America mirrors results found by the EU. The EPA and NRDC results show a profound, dramatic, and permanent effect of phthalates on males. Males exposed in utero to phthalates had low sperm counts, non motile sperm, higher rates of hypospadias (pee hole located elsewhere on shaft or scrotum than normal location), and lower levels of activity of the enzyme aromatase, which is essential for masculinizing male brains. In adolescent males, phthalates cause abnormalities in penis and scrotum development (tiny dicks and no real balls!). All age groups of males studied showed a reduced overall level of testosterone, permanent low sperm count/lack of motility with minimal exposure to phthalates.  Phthalates are believed to cause asthma and exacerbate the allergic reaction to an allergen (in both sexes).

In North America, phthalates are found in air fresheners, lubricants (all types), perfume oils, toothpastes, cleaners, children's toys, cosmetics, toiletries, softening agents, vinyl, PVC products, and other plastics. The world produces a billion pounds of phthalates a year.


Canada has listed phthalates on its list of toxic substances; however there are no regulations, limitations, or risk management strategies in place. Canada is one of the few developed world countries not requiring companies to list phthalates usage on product labels.

The European Union (E.U.)

In 1999, the E.U. has banned 3 phthalates (DEHP, DBP and BBP) in all children’s toys and childcare articles. Three other phthalates are banned from toys and childcare articles that may be placed in the mouth by children under the age of 3 (DINP, DnOP and DIDP).  

DEHP, DBP and some other phthalates have been banned for use in cosmetics in the E.U., and the E.U. has proposed assessments and restrictions on levels of DEHP and DINP in materials that may come in contact with food, for example, food packaging and PVC tubing used in dairy farms.(2003)

In 2002, medical devices containing DEHP were reviewed for safety. At that time, the concerns were outweighed by the benefits; however, because of more recent reports and an increase in alternative plastics, the E.U. is in the process of updating their scientific opinion.

Full List of phthalates:
diethylhexyl phthalate
di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
di-isononyl phthalate
dibutyl phthalate
diethyl phthalate
dimethyl phthalate
Butyl benzyl phthalate
dihexyl phthalate
di-n-hexyl phthalate
dioctyl phthalate
Di-n-octyl phthalate
Diisodecyl phthalate

Phthalates in building products:
Healthy Building Network, http://www.healthybuilding.net

Phthalates in cosmetics:
Coming Clean, http://www.come-clean.org

Phthalates in medical devices:
Health Care Without Harm, http://www.noharm.org

Phthalates in nail polish:
Environmental Working Group, http://www.ewg.org
Phthalates in toys:

Pro phthalates supporters (plastic industry)
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February 23, 2010, 12:56am Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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A paper trail to bad health? Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry in Massachusetts release results showing that a powdery layer of bisphenols (BPA)  coats most register receipts and is transferred to the body through the fingers.
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May 31, 2011, 12:31am Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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Fast Company has a great article about Cargill's creation and marketing of the sweetener Truvia.  Lavish amounts of money were used to secure the name which sounds like true plus stevia. Truvia target market is the yoga/health nut woman who (paraphrasing) wants to provide all the sweetness, comfort and indulgence to herself without "sin" http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/155/the-sweet-science.html
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May 31, 2011, 1:35pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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Cargill is a privately held company worth $108 Billion a year?!?!  Something for druglords to aspire to no doubt.

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July 30, 2013, 11:59pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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In the interest of making sure both sides of the aspartame argument are represented:
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August 1, 2013, 4:28pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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To support Danmick's article, I found that the site maintainer for sciencebasedmedicine.org is:
Quoted Text
Jay Novella

Jay has been a skeptical activist for 15 years who serves as a co-host and producer of The Skeptics’ Guide To The Universe, a popular science podcast. Jay is also the producer and director of SGU Video Productions whose videos can be seen on the SGU YouTube channel. He also is the Director of Marketing and Technology for The New England Skeptical Society, a not for profit organization focused on promoting higher standards of education, especially in the areas of science and critical thinking. For the past 3 years, Jay has served on the board of directors for the Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism, a yearly conference held in NYC. Jay also is a regular contributor to The Rogues Gallery, a popular science and skepticism blog.

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