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La Casa De Gelato Divino
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La Casa De Gelato Divino  This thread currently has 1 views. Print Print Thread
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August 1, 2009, 11:55pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 389
Growing up with Piccolo Grande and other incredible gelato places, I have been greatly disappointed by the gelato quality in this area until now. 100 Kerr Street in Oakville has .....holy...orgasmic....gelato  

The gelato is true to the traditional creamy rich intense style with great flavour and low fat. All the gelato is made in house with fresh ingredients. They have a wide variety of nut, fruit, liquor,  and standard ice cream flavours and offer Italian coffees, milkshakes, floats, sundaes, cups and cones. My new favorites include Ferrero Rocher and Divine & Nero....


Food is awesome but their website could use some help! Here is the link anyway...
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