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Prudhomme's Magic Spices
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October 2, 2009, 5:23pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 1,231
Chef Paul Prudhomme has a saying: "Life's too short for dull food".  I've tried his BBQ sauce before and was impressed, but what has really surprised me is his Magic blends of spices.  http://www.chefpaul.com/site.php?pageID=359&iteminfo=1&productID=159

Zehr's recently had a renovation sale, and a lot of items were discounted heavily.  I saw these spices among the clearance items and took a closer look at the label.  0 Calories!  Great!  There was Meat Magic, Blackened Steak Magic, Poultry Magic, Seafood Magic, and Blackened Redfish Magic.  He has more, but these were all we could find.

Let me tell you, each and every one of these smells amazing.  So far on the BBQ I've tried the redfish magic on Salmon, the Blackened Steak and Meat Magic (separately) on steak, and Poultry Magic on chicken.  These all tasted fantastic!  Easily one of the top flavours for each of those dishes.

I give Chef Paul's Magic two enthusiastic thumbs up!

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October 3, 2009, 9:12pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 389
My personal favorite is the Blackened Redfish Magic I think we should try the best damm grilled chicken I ever ate recipe next:http://www.chefpaul.com/site.php?pageID=300&view=112
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