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June 26, 2010, 4:15pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 1,231
If you've ever been to a ribfest, you are well aware of the savoury wood smoke smell that permeates the air around the event.  If you're like me, you may even start to drool as you take in the hickory bbq scent.  Your belly starts to growl in anticipation of the impending deliciousness.  Just walking from the car to this restaurant evoked the same reaction.

The restaurant is a little plaza shop named Hog Tail's BBQ, situated in Waterloo near some high school.  There's only about half a dozen tables in the store, so most of the business is done as Take-Out.

If you know me, you know I am a Rib connaisseur.  I can safely say, without hesitation, that Hog Tail's BBQ makes the best Ribs in KW.  Yes, they even beat the Moose on its best day.

Shabadu had the BBQ chicken, and claimed it was fantastic.  And we agreed the onion rings were, quite simply, the best we had ever had.

If you're not a carnivore, this place will hold little interest for you.  But for those of us who dig the BBQ flavour, this is a great place.  Highly recommended.

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June 29, 2010, 8:10pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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This time I tried the General's Fried Chicken.  As the menu notes, the General outranks the Colonel.  That's fine, but as many movies show, officers don't necessarily improve with rank.  

Picture a moist BBQ Chicken breast, bone in.  Now coat that sucker with a very dry crusty shell that flakes off when you try to cut the meat.  The shell has a pleasant peppery flavour, and the chicken is nice texture.  But you have to work to keep the two components together in each morsel, since the crust does not adhere to the chicken at all.

If you run out of crust, or tire of scooping flakes off your plate to add to a bite of chicken, you'll be eating just the chicken meat in no time.  While good texture, it doesn't have much flavour on its own.  As such, it's a little disappointing.

With the chicken I had Cajun Corn and Coleslaw.  Their coleslaw was creamy and had a little hit of pepper to give it some kick.  Nice!  The Cajun Corn was an interesting earthy flavour, with bits of bacon mixed in.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  Guess I prefer just buttered sweet corn.

So while I will definitely be going to Hog Tails BBQ again, I probably won't be ordering the fried chicken, given how much I enjoy their ribs.

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