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Medieval Sieges and Siegecraft by Geoffrey Hindley
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Medieval Sieges and Siegecraft by Geoffrey Hindley  This thread currently has 1 views. Print Print Thread
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July 6, 2010, 4:24pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 389
I stumbled across Sieges and Siegecraft by Geoffrey Hindley, it was lucky find. Hindley is a UK medieval historian who specializes in warfare. In this book he examines siege warfare from 500 to 1500 C.E and covers aspects from equipment, strategies, mental tactics, fortification/castle designs, and rules of engagement for different periods. It was a good primer for an understanding battles of that period and it has added 7 more must see castle to my list the next time I travel in the British Isles and Europe. Overall rating 7.5/10. I am subtracting half a point b/c his bibliography style is annoying.
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