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March 15, 2012, 4:53am Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 1,231
Wow!  What a game!  ThatGameCompany has produced a fantastic experience that's 100% game, 100% art, and 100% fun!

Let's break it down to each element.  Starting with the game aspect, which is what most people would expect to play on the PS3.  Journey has no instruction manual to read.  No mission briefing to sit through.  No lengthy dialog to try desperately to skip.  It just shows your character standing in a desert, and a mountain in the distance.  The tutorial (if you can call it that) consists of an onscreen prompt to show how to move the camera, and an indicator instructing to use the left stick to walk.  Done.  Now play.

Once roaming around, you notice some things, and you'll likely want to explore them.  That's the awesomeness of this game.  You are led not by flashing arrows or shouty platoon sergeants, but by your own sense of curiosity.  What's this over there?  Well, go look and find out.

Sometimes you want to just stop and scan the scenery.  That's the art aspect of the game.  It has gorgeous vistas and beautiful style.  No it doesn't reproduce life like images.  But the animation, textures, and overall feel of the visuals reminds me a lot of Ico.  It's art.

And it's fun.  There are some puzzles to solve, but nothing mindbending.  That would detract from the journey itself.  There are also some dangers.  But making the journey is the total focus, and it's what drives you onward.  I didn't intend to finish the game in one sitting, but it drew me in and kept me playing till the end.  Though there was another reason to keep playing.  Duty.

Journey is a multiplayer game.  You and other players are on the same journey, in the same world.  You may meet someone, and together you can help each other complete the trek, and learn about the history of this world.  And you will help each other.  In this game, the only way to communicate is with a chirp (by pressing O).  So you can get someone's attention, but you can't really say anything.  Remarkably, this removes any preconception about the other player.  Heck, you don't even see their name.  It's just another traveller, trying to make the same hike as you.

Another player and I spent most of the journey together, helping each other get past tricky areas.  When I'd lose track of my companion, I'd stop and wait for him (or her) to catch up.  We'd go from ruin to ruin together, even though we had total freedom in the game.  I didn't want to stop playing, lest it somehow affect their experience.  Cooperation had made us rely on each other.  I felt a duty to continue, for them.

During a rather nasty section of snow covered mountain pass, my comrade just sat down in the wind swept frost.  I chirped repeatedly trying to get him moving again, knowing we kept warmer when we were together.  But he just sat there.  Then fell over in the snow and froze.  I was actually sad!  We had come so far, me and this nameless other player.  I resolved not to die in the cold like him.  So I pushed forward, relentlessly struggling against the incline and the bitter wind.  Ice began to crust my attire and I felt lonely but determined.

What a game!!  To be able to tell such an emotional story with no words is astounding.  Even though it'll only take 1.5 - 2 hrs to finish, the experience more than makes up for it.  I think it's good that you can finish the journey in one sitting.  I highly recommend you try it.  It's currently $14.99 in the Playstation Store.

The Good: Fantastic visuals.  Totally fun experience.  Girlfriend friendly.
The Bad: Price to length ratio a bit high (although, a good DVD is the same length and can cost more)
The Ugly: Getting emotionally involved with the characters!  It's very unmanly, unlike say, BF3 where you shrug and say "Sucker" when a companion dies.

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