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Life Choices Angus Beef
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Life Choices Angus Beef  This thread currently has 1 views. Print Print Thread
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January 20, 2014, 5:41pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 1,231
There's a lot of frozen burger patties on the market, but I think I've just had the tastiest one.  It's by Life Choices, and it's pure Angus beef, traceable to the source.  http://www.lifechoicesfoods.com/#!angus-beef-burger/cvai

Here's the ingredients: Beef, Water, Salt, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Spices.

Since my BBQ is out of propane, I had to fry this patty on the stove.  I cooked it slow, because it was thick, and used my meat thermometer (Thanks Secret Santa 2012!) to ensure the middle was 76 degrees C.  When I bit into that burger, I was stunned by the juiciness.  The flavour complimented my Tony Roma's BBQ sauce wonderfully.  http://tonyromassauce.com/

The Good: Deliciously juicy for a frozen patty
The Bad: In our area, it's only available at Vincenzo's and some Health Food store on Bridgeport road
The Ugly: A single patty is 360 calories.  Need a Kaiser Bun to hold this bad boy.

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