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McCafe Coffee Pods
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McCafe Coffee Pods  This thread currently has 1 views. Print Print Thread
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October 22, 2014, 2:30pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 1,231
McDonald's coffee used to be really bad, but then they adopted the McCafe brand and would frequently have free coffee weeks (around the same time as Timmy's Roll-Up-The-Rim events).  This new coffee was rich and tasty, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to coffee drinkers.

Now they've added Keurig style McCafe Coffee Pods, so you can brew their beverage at home.  How does it taste?  Not quite as good as the drip coffee from the restaurant.  I'd rank McCafe pods about the same as Cameron's Jamaica Blue Mountain Blend, which is good, but PC Great Canadian still tops my list.

You can find McCafe pods in local grocery stores.

Cameron's Jamaica Blue Mountain Blend: http://www.cameronscoffee.com/category/Single-Serve-128.cfm
Presidents Choice Great Canadian: http://www.presidentschoice.ca.....podsprod1790039.html

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