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July 11, 2015, 7:21pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 1,231
If you enjoyed Jurassic Park, but would rather forget the other sequels, then Jurassic World is for you.  If you wished the park had opened before the dinosaurs got loose, then you will definitely want to see this movie.

Jurassic World starts with the new park a few years into operation.  They've already been a rousing success, and are constantly looking for new ways to entertain the public.  To put it another way, there's a friggin' cruise ship to ferry guests to and from the island.

Chris Pratt plays an ex-navy seal named Owen who's leading a team trying to train raptors to follow commands.  This makes lion taming look like child's play.  Because of his limited success, the park owner asks for him to review their newest asset - a genetically engineered hybrid dinosaur.  Yes, technically all the dinos are such, but rather than just filling DNA gaps with frog DNA, this one is specifically designed to be a real treat for the guests.

Of course once it breaks out, it's the guests who become treats.

Meanwhile, Claire - the head of operations - has her two nephews on the island for a visit.  One is slightly autistic (like a more functional Sheldon from Big Bang Theory) and the other is a horny teen who only takes breaks from pining over his girlfriend back home to hit on the young hotties also visiting the park.  Two unsupervised youngsters with all-access passes?  What couldn't go wrong?

As eye-rolling as the kids sound.. they didn't ruin the movie.  They're just a couple punks getting into mischief at the wrong time, and end up giving the audience a nice perspective of events, plus give Claire a reason to enlist Owen's help in tracking the brats down.

The Good: An enjoyable sequel to the original movie, that lets you ignore the existence of other sequels.  Fun action movie.  Some nice character moments.
The Bad: The characters aren't really deep.  They fit the role they held, and were interesting, but we're never really given much more.
The Ugly: Requires a big fat spoiler, but is not a reason to avoid the film.  

Go see it.  Jurassic World is a fun ride, with some appropriate nods to the original movie.


Seriously.. stop reading if you haven't seen the movie.

I mean it.

Last chance!

Okay, seriously, Claire outruns a T-Rex while wearing those goddam high heels?  Owen even makes a special point of mentioning how her shoes will impede her survival.  This very specific statement, followed by her ignoring his warning, tells the audience those shoes are indeed going to get her into trouble somewhere along the line.  Then with the T-Rex scene, they EVEN CUT TO THE SHOES while she's running!  And nothing happens?!  What a horrible set up with no pay off!  They should have at least had her chuck the shoes when T's door was opening, and say "f*** these shoes" or something.  She knew she was going to have to boot it.  To stay in the shoes should've ended up with her as a T-Rex appetizer.

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