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Darkshade Forum  /  News  /  Gaming Burns More Calories Than Sex?
Posted by: Diddly, July 14, 2008, 4:38pm
In the September issue of Oxygen (a women's fitness magazine) there's an article called "100 Ways to Burn 100 Calories".  In the article, it states that "playing videogames burns 50% more calories in a hour than 'athletic' sex."  (  Of course I don't have the original article to quote (and they don't offer it online) so it's hear-say through this source:  And they aren't talking about Wii games (which burn an additional 40% calories!) but the sit and push buttons on the controller games.
I think the final line from the PS3 news site says it best:"if that's the case, you're doing it wrong."
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