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Darkshade Forum  /  News  /  Tim King or Burger Hortons?
Posted by: Diddly, August 27, 2014, 3:58am
Becoming the 3rd largest fast food chain in the world, Burger King has bought Tim Hortons for about $11 Billion.  Well, not BK specifically, but the investment firm that owns them, 3G Capital.,

Many are calling this a method of tax evasion, since the BK headquarters will supposedly move to Canada where they will pay lower taxes (15% vs 27%).  Frankly, those folks should cry more about Verizon, GE, Apple, Microsoft, and Google, who in some cases pay less than nothing in taxes and make a heck of a lot more money than Burger King.

The real question is, how will each chain be effected?  Will BK start selling better coffee, or will Timmy's start selling burgers?  What do you think?
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