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Darkshade Forum  /  News  /  Schrodinger's Cat on Camera
Posted by: Diddly, August 28, 2014, 3:53pm
Not the cat that was both alive and dead simultaneously, but this image was captured using quantum physics.

What you're seeing is the result of photons being passed through a stencil.  The thing is, the stencil will only block yellow photons, and the camera will only record red photons.  So the image SHOULD have just been solid red.  But because scientists coupled the yellow and red photons through quantum entanglement, affecting one of the photons would impact the other as well.

Here's where it gets really neat.  Quantum entanglement works over an infinite distance.  So theoretically, the camera could have been on Mars and instantly caught the same image, even though the stencil was here on Earth.  How cool is that?
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