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Posted by: Shabadu_SMH, March 10, 2016, 1:51pm
I realize that there aren't many of us left looking forward to reading the end of GoT... but for anyone who has read the series up to the most recent book might be interested in this theory video:

It's 20 minutes long but filled up with tonnes of speculation backed up with references throughout the series and in my opinion is a great explanation of the underlying plot that Georgey Porgy has kept mostly under wraps. Way more attention to detail than I am capable of despite having read each book at least twice, but I think this video is definitely on the right track!
Posted by: Diddly, June 27, 2016, 11:09pm; Reply: 1
Okay, let's talk about Game of Thrones Season 6, specifically that last episode.  Spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

First off, I'm a little annoyed I had to look up what Lyanna whispered to Ned on her death bed.  I tried twice and couldn't make out all her words.  The gist though, is R + L = J is true.
Secondly, is it just me, or does Varys have teleportation powers?  Did he just sail to Dorne and back in less time than it took to refit the slaver ships with cool dragon figureheads?
Aside from those two points, Episode 10 this season was incredible!  I'm sad we won't be seeing more of Natalie Dormer, but woah, not as sad as Tommen.  Did not see that coming, but it fits with my prediction that there'll be a rift between Cersei and Jaime.  And hurray!  Arya bakes Frey Pie!  And she gave that old man a red bib.  I was gleefully chanting "The Starks are comin' back!"
Posted by: Diddly, June 28, 2016, 9:32pm; Reply: 2
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