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Topics - diddly

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General Discussion / How Doctor Who and the Daleks can become canon
« on: January 11, 2021, 09:39:58 AM »
Last night I watched a Rifftrax treatment of Dr Who and the Daleks on Amazon Prime.  It's a terrible movie from 1965, but stars Peter Cushing as Doctor Who, and much like the fantastic Curse of the Fatal Death is considered non-canon.  This was referenced a few times during the riffing as a comfort, thank goodness it's not canon.

Well, after certain revelations in season 12 of Doctor Who, I put to you that it can indeed be canonical!  Here are arguments against being canonical, and why they no longer apply:
  • The canonical Doctor has no knowledge of being Peter Cushing - Technically we don't know everything The Doctor knows, but we do now know there are Doctors they don't remember
  • Peter Cushing's Doctor has no knowledge of being anyone else - As we've learned, the Time Lords somehow kept The Doctor's other identities secret
  • Peter Cushing's Doctor is human - The Doctor's fogwatch can turn him human
  • Peter Cushing's Tardis is rubbish - We've seen the Tardis interior redesigned many times
  • Peter Cushing's Susan, Barbara, and Ian are different than William Hartnell's companions - No two humans can have the same name, eh?
  • Peter Cushing's Daleks are morons - Agreed.  Chalk it up to eons of isolation.  Their circuitry goes bad and they have to reinvent their history

Have I missed any?

Had I Written... / Wonder Woman 1984
« on: December 26, 2020, 09:06:13 PM »
WW84 had an appropriate level of cheese, I think.  I wouldn't change the tone, and the moral is always a good one, especially when dealing with mythical characters like Wonder Woman's amazons.

Without any spoilers, here's what I would change about the movie.  After you watch it, let me know if you think these would be improvements.

1) At the start of the movie, we're shown a young Diana learning(?) an important(?) lesson.  Instead, I would start with Max Lord's childhood.  We're shown it later in the movie anyway.  I'd put it up front so we're compassionate with the character.  This would also serve as a less transparent reason to bond with Barbara, as they could be kindred spirits, and only later we learn his obsession.

2) I would postpone the difficult thing Diana has to do.  She still has cards to play at that point.  I think she'd don her special armour hoping it'd be enough to protect her.  When it gets shredded from her and she's beaten to the point that it's clear she can't win, only then she does the difficult thing, knowing the implications and that there'd be no warning.  It would devastate her while she's already at her lowest point.  Let her rage of what happens fuel her return to the fight and victory over her adversary.

3) Ignore everybody else at the end.  In my version we start with Max Lord, sympathize with him, understand why he does what he does.  So we need to end with just Max.  Chuck the "I wasn't talking to you" speech.  Let Max see the truth of what he's done to what he holds most dear.  They kind of show that already, but muddy it.  I'm just suggesting removing all the noise.  Make it purely his realization.  Make him alone do the thing that saves the day.

The rest of the movie, can stay as is.

News / Burger Priest coming to Waterloo
« on: December 21, 2020, 10:21:30 AM »
One of the things I miss about living and working in Toronto is the food.  There are so many great restaurants in / around downtown.  One of those places is The Burger Priest, and it's coming to Waterloo!

Reviews / Hot Sauces
« on: November 30, 2020, 03:06:11 PM »
Rather than a thread for each sauce, I thought we might share our reviews of any hot sauce here.  I'll start it off with some of my favourites from Chilly Chiles, a Canadian store that delivers.

Reviews / Wendy's Bacon Mushroom Melt
« on: November 16, 2020, 05:21:40 PM »
I don't know how much longer this deal is on for, but Wendy's Bacon Mushroom Melt is a delicious burger.  Had it for the first time this year on Saturday, and couldn't stop craving it till I had it again today.

News / Crash Recovery
« on: October 12, 2020, 09:36:19 PM »
I'm slowly getting the services back up.  Luckily nothing was lost.  Turned out to be some bad ram after upgrading the server memory, caused a whole mess of issues.  I've learned my lesson and tested the ram in the server now before setting it back up.

News / Forum Re-opened
« on: August 04, 2020, 10:54:04 AM »
I've re-opened the forum to new users, and implemented additional measures to discourage spammers.  For example, external links are disabled for new users.

Support / Item Level Restrictions
« on: August 04, 2020, 10:47:21 AM »
SunZhao mentioned:
[2020-08-02 20:04:27] SunZhao: Hey, sorry to post this here but I couldn't make a forum account :smile: I've been playing the NwN Rhun and I think the item level restriction setting is on, making subraces unable to be played.

Item Level Restrictions defaulted to being on, but I wasn't aware it had such a negative effect on subraces.  I've disabled it on the server, so hopefully that resolves the issue.

Support / Darkshade NWN Server
« on: April 28, 2020, 02:25:33 PM »
Our NWN server is running the Rhun persistent world again.  Thanks to an excellent docker image from beamdog, it was pretty easy to get going again.  I notice there's not a lot of servers running a Rhun module (when I checked the server list at  That might explain why there's pretty steadily 1-5 users online.

If any of those users read this message, and want to DM a session, the DM password is "darkshade".

News / Nothing Beyond Timmies
« on: January 29, 2020, 07:28:39 PM »
Although I liked their Beyond Sausage, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, I guess not enough people found Tim Horton's Beyond Meat offerings appealing.  They're dropping every one of the veggie meat menu items.

General Discussion / Darkshade web games updates
« on: December 01, 2019, 07:40:07 PM »
On the Games page is a number of old flash based games.  You can still play some of them using the local debug flash player for your system (linked on the games page).

Furthermore, I've added a game I threw together called Chain Reaction.  This is an HTML5 game, so it doesn't require Flash.  It'll just play in any browser.

It's using the same framework I started playing around with for a new version of Zombie Slaughter.  Today I've revisited that and have added a couple gunmen who target the zombies.  You can see the green crosshairs on the nearest enemy.  It's not playable yet, but a couple steps closer to it.

Vote / Good Pizza Chains
« on: November 09, 2019, 04:49:11 PM »
There's a lot of good one-off and gourmet pizza places, but of the chains who would you order from for a generally consistent quality pizza?

Select as many options as are appropriate

News / Is this the Future of Electric Cars?
« on: October 20, 2019, 09:38:33 PM »
Just like you swap your BBQ propane tank at a corner gas bar, imagine swapping the fuel cell for your car.  Now imagine that fuel cell will carry you 1500 miles before it's exhausted!  Instead of charging such a beast, you just have to swap it for a recharged unit.

Vote / Political Predictions
« on: September 30, 2019, 03:16:32 PM »
Which of these outcomes do you predict most likely for this federal election? (You may pick up to 3)

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