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Messages - chiquita

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Windows 10 shutdown doesn't really shut down
« on: July 31, 2018, 08:49:50 AM »
Unfortunately from my experience, these steps have to be repeated after every major windows update as the update resets them. :( Microsoft sucks.

News / Gibson Guitars Bankrupt
« on: May 02, 2018, 10:53:03 AM »
 :'( :'( :'(

As a teen, I thought when I get rich I would go to Michigan's Gibson store and get me a Les Paul, ES335, or something else that sounds sweet.

Gibson Guitars declared bankruptcy. An end of an era in music.

News / Re: Every Single Yahoo Account
« on: April 18, 2018, 12:15:27 PM »
I believe the lawsuit against the Yahoo mail data breach recently failed.  Oath, the new name Verizon gave to the shell company over Yahoo and AOL has put up a new user agreement telling you that they are scanning your emails for direct targeted advertising and other data analysis. There appears to be no opt out options.

News / Cancerous Roasted Goodness
« on: April 18, 2018, 11:53:28 AM »
California has ruled that products containing roasted coffee beans have to come with a carcinogen label. The high heat roasting process causes the formation of acrylamides from starches in the beans.

General Discussion / Russian Fake News!?!
« on: March 09, 2018, 08:49:17 AM »
This has been going around the web claming to be a Putin campaign ad. It is terrible but the toilet rule cracked me up

News / Re: Door to Door Sales Ban now in Effect
« on: March 02, 2018, 02:31:19 PM »
It turns out telecoms are federally regulated and therefore not included in the ban. :(

News / Door to Door Sales Ban now in Effect
« on: March 01, 2018, 06:44:22 PM »
Provincial door to door sales ban came into effect on March 1st 2018. Unfortunately, the ban does not include telecoms.

The door-to-door sales of the following products are now banned:

Air cleaners
Air conditioners
Air purifiers
Duct cleaning services
Water filters
Water heaters
Water purifiers
Water softeners
Water treatment devices
Bundles of these goods and services.

Fines are significant for corporations breaching the ban.

News / Re: Equifax Facts
« on: March 01, 2018, 06:28:56 PM »
Equifax has just announced another 2.4 million people were breached in 2017.

Vote / Re: New Years Resolutions
« on: February 02, 2018, 03:08:23 PM »
I resolve to make no resolutions...oh wait crap..

« on: February 02, 2018, 02:53:42 PM »
Kratos is back and he is pounding punishment to the Norse Gods on April 20th.

General Discussion / RED DEAD REDEMPTION II
« on: February 02, 2018, 10:30:38 AM »
Red Dead Redemption II is FINALLY going to be released on October 26, 2018!! In-game pics are great. Promo trailer can be found here

News / Prostate Cancer Death Rates Overtake Breast Cancer Rates
« on: February 02, 2018, 10:14:56 AM »
BBC article revealed that prostate cancer deaths are on the rise and now exceeds breast cancer deaths. Globally, prostate cancer is now the second leading cause of death (by cancer) after lung. But it is # 1 in Canada. Symptoms are not usually noticeable in the early stages and can be similar to UTI infection. It is recommended that men in their 40s get a baseline PSA blood test. Elevated PSA levels can indicate the presence of cancer but also a host of other issues. It just lets the doctor know more testing is required.

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