I guess since the topic is "Rhun issues" all issues go here, instead of making new topics.
1) Well, there are no good merchants for drow. The houses (drow guilds) have no merchants. The merchants are common for all of the drow city and have no potions or restoring / healing scrolls of any kind.
2) The priestess in the only drow temple (temple of lolth) cannot restore ability damage and I assume cast other forms of restoration. I had constitution damage and her healing abilities don't work. I tried the do it all dialogue (most expensive), the heal ability damage option, and even the normal heal option, and nothing worked.
Currently for drow resting and dying are the only ways of restoring health (unless somebody is a cleric, I guess).
Currently dying is the only way for a drow to restore persistent character damages.
3) If I manage to fix anything in the module by myself how can I export only the files that contain the fix, instead of the entire module ? I haven't modded before.