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Author Topic: Phillips SensoTouch 3D  (Read 13215 times)


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Phillips SensoTouch 3D
« on: March 07, 2022, 09:06:00 PM »
Back in 2014 I reviewed this electric razor:
I don't like electric shavers.  While convenient, my experience was always that they pulled, got hot, and couldn't cut on anything but a flat, dry patch of skin.  Any curves or moisture and forget it.

Since I switched to blades, I never looked back.  But recently I read a review on Gizmodo for the best electric razor.  I wondered if the tech had improved since I was in school.  Certainly the ability to shave wet or dry was new.

They described their top razor, the Philips Norelco SensoTouch 3D, as feeling like "removing facial hair with robot kisses."  That's a far cry from what I remember... more like robot meat grinder.  Intrigued I read on, and ultimately decided to pick one up from Walmart.

I tried it out yesterday, on 4 day growth.  Till now, that's strictly razor blade territory.  The Philips 3D made quick work of it.  Robot kisses indeed!  The little pivoting heads hugged every bump and bend as well as a blade, and even took less time.  Certain spots that always get nicked were no problem with this.  Cleanup was a cinch.  Just pop the little heads open and dump the whiskers.  If it had been a wet shave, with foam, I'd have to additionally run the open heads under hot water.  That's it.

To me, it felt a smoother shave than I was getting with a disposable razor.  Perhaps its because with the Philips you're supposed to shave in a circular motion, while a blade should just go "with the grain".

The SensoTouch 3D is amazingly better than the electric razors I had in the '90s.  The price was a bit steep, but frankly, worth it.  Now when I go away for a few days, I don't have to pack blades and gel.  Shaving just got easier.

The Good: Fast charging.  Wet or Dry shave.  Robot kisses.
The Bad: $200 for an electric shaver.  That's about 500 shaves with disposables.
The Ugly: The "stylish" carrying case looks like a tiny bicycle seat.

It just died last week.  Although at last use, the battery would still last for 3 shaves between charges, it no longer accepts a charge.  I've since replaced it with a Phillips Shaver Series 9000 which is currently $100 off at Amazon

Amazingly it's an even gentler shave!  I was sporting several days growth (something I would cringe at with the previous model) and it handled it like a champ without any pulling or irritation.