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March 2, 2006, 1:15pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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  After seeing the complete success of his daydream (which had left him strnagely aroused..?), Aquaman decided to attempt to make it a reality.  He charged back into the room, accidently tripping on the doorway on his way in.  Flying through the air Aquaman squeeled like a teenage girl at a horror movie.   Hands aquiver his body soared across the room as gracefully as an epileptic breakdancer bustin' a move at a strobe light convention.  His body came to a full halt as it thudded up against one of the two legged chairs he had "bought" from the curb just that morning.  Slumping down he sank into the lowest, deepest depression he'd ever experienced.. and for Aquaman, that's saying a lot!
  But as his body sagged into utter defeat, it broke the leg of the chair he'd struck -a leg that the Roach just so happened to be recovering on.  The Roach's not quite conscious rejuvinating form arced upwards...
  As all this was happening not a sole saw any of it because Aqua-Velva Man was smiling a bg beautiful grin all this time, blinding every in the room (and most of the surrounding city block).  Suddenly he stopped to admire his own brilliance, causing his grin to enlarge into a stunning wide-open-mouthed smile JUST as the Roach flew his way...
  "Kle.. fuh.. fuh.. huhhrrllllllghghghghghghghghghghghghghghh.. huh.. bluh...buh............. GLUP!" Aquvelva Man tried to cry for help but to no avail.  The Just0us League of super heroes couldn't figure out what was going on and simply stared on in awe, assuming he was trying to do a magic trick.
  As his dead body hit the floor he accidently landed the wrong way on his zippo lighter causing it to explode and immediately immolted him beyond repair or rejuvination or resurrection for all eternity because his body was so engorged with overpowering super-octant aquavelva that was highly flamable.
  The whole room went quiet for a minute, everyone looking shocked and surprised.. then finally they all clapped loud and raucously at what they thought was the bestest magic trick they had ever EVER witnessed!

  In a moment of unexpected pity, Soccar-mom shed a tear at the thought that poor the Roach had died yet again and this time at the expense of their entertainment... but she knew that he would return one day.. and perhaps by then she would be over the revulsion she felt towards him and might possibly show some carnal love for the little guy...
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April 18, 2006, 4:58pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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.... Meanwhile, unbeknowist to all those gathered, there was a video camera in the ceiling, which captured all the day's events.  The video feed cable fell from the ceiling to the floor across the room and out the main entrance down the street two buildings and then up to a 2nd floor window.

    Inside the real Aqua Velva-man watched the screen in horror.

    "Sorry boss, I umplugg'd it again," a big burly girl gestured with her foot.  Her name was Brutus and she weighted 302 KG.  She managed to plug it in again.

     "Good thing I sent my trusty doppleganger to that meeting and not myself," Aqua Velva-man purred like a lioness in heat.  He stroked his luxurious chest hair, for his shirt was a very low V neck long sleaved design.  He twirled the hair in his pinky finger and laughed.

     "Boss what's so funny," Brutus asked.

     "I don't know," Aqua Velva-man smiled.

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April 21, 2006, 1:59pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

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   Brutus smiled and her gums started to bleed as soon as they were exposed to air.  She picked up her tea cup with her foot and drank.  She had perfectly capable arms and hands, but she always used her feet.  As a result her arms were very thin and emaciated, kind like a t-rex's front limbs.  
     "I told you never to smile," Aqua Velva-man cursed Brutus.  She shut her mouth.  "Thank you sweetie.  Now we must attack the Just-us league, for now I am fairly certain they wish to do me harm.  But how?

     "Why don't I kick 'em in the nuts," Brutus got excited.  Whenever she got excited the pimples on her face began to spontaneously pop.  Oozing puss dripped down her face.

     "Why don't you wipe that off?" Aqua Velva-man ordered.

     "Why?" Brutus asked as she used her foot to wipe her face, smearing the puss all over.  The smell almost made Aqua Velva-man gag, almost, because he had built up an immunity to the foul stench and could not live without it.  He knew he was addicted.  Then he harkened back to when he first met Brutus, she was only 250 KGs then.

     "I've got it?" Aqua Velva-man smiled, lighting up the room.  He laughed his baratone monotonous chirp.  "Get a bottle Brutus, I mean to milk your puss!"

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April 21, 2006, 8:29pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator
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Brutus, normally quite submissive to Aqua Velva-man, did not like the sound of his request.  She HATED being told to fetch bottles (although loved getting her puss milked).  Brutus stood up, or at least appeared to make standing motions, but no one could quite tell.  "Get your own damn bottle!" she exclaimed.

Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Just-us, Aquaman was preparing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  He meant to divvy it up amongst his crew like a modern day office divvies up a special cake.  He cut it into hundreds of tiny morsels, and yet there still was not enough for everyone, somehow.  Poor Roach had to settle for crumbs of crumbs small enough for dust-mites to go hungry.
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April 29, 2006, 3:45pm Report to Moderator Report to Moderator

Posts: 593
Even as the Roach was gorging himself on his table scraps, evil was a foot.

And not just Aqua-Velva-man and his he/she-beast Brutus.  There were loads of other villians using the latest in evil-survelence lsitening in on the Just-us Hall.

At that moment Mortoi, the diabolically Mad Mortician - whose goal was to make the world use corpse-make-up in their daily lives (he had a fetish for dead-looking things ever since he owned his childhood pet mortician and cemetary service) - was parked across the street and had a listening cone (well his hands cupped fairly close to his left ear at least) trained on the Just-us Hall.  

Meanwhile, mere feet away and unbeknowst to either Mortoi or Aquaman, the Roach's long time enemy and adopted identical twin-brother Elemenopeeo, the dislexic elephant had bugged the room with a fem-bot coackroach.  

Now keep in mind when we say "unbeknowst to the Just-us League", the roach was actually aware of the fem-roachbot because he had spotted her and had wanted to make his move.  He thought femail raoch-robots were hot and would have made a move if not for the Celebrity Chameleon swooping in the second the Roach was interested.  He was shooting daggers wit hhis eyes at Chameleon who was already copping a feel with the fem-roachbot...
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